High school English class was not always challenging, but I remember coming home one day with the assignment to write a story. As I relayed to my father the project before me, I began to cry. I couldn't do it! My imagination at that point was not free enough to put pen to paper. My mind was blank. My father was a good writer and won some awards in college for his writing. Who better to ask for some help.
We gathered ourselves in the living room, and I must confess what came next was nothing short of cheating. My father began to effortlessly dictate to me a story, to which I effortlessly wrote down. I was not surprised to have received an A on that project. Looking back, I am relatively certain I never confessed to my teacher what honestly took place.
Although I do not condone cheating, I look back at that experience with some encouragement. When I felt led to begin writing a book roughly ten years ago about God's hand in redeeming our broken marriage, I had the same thoughts, "I can't do this!" Then from amidst the silent doubts that were not so silent in my head came a whisper from Father God. He said to me, "Do you remember when your father dictated to you that story?" As my memory bank pulled the memory forward, I said, "yes," with a little hesitation. Then He said, "I will do the same for you, I will dictate, and you just write."
So here we are, my final edited manuscript is back from my editor, and within a few short weeks, there will be this story found within the binding of a book. This season feels like a momentous time for me, and I pray this book touches the lives of many. It's ok if there is something in our lives we feel we cannot do. Father God is always there to help, to strengthen and encourage others, making the world a better place through our weaknesses yielded to His touch and influence.