A Thought Sparked

A thought was sparked during our pre-service prayer last Sunday. It was one of those thoughts that weaved in and out, through the tapestry of my daily happenings this week, lingering in my mind. It’s interesting how some thoughts remain, suspended as they were, at the forefront of my mind, while others fade away, seemingly without much importance.

We are ambassadors for Christ. We carry His reconciling gospel message of salvation. We are His representatives. As a believer in Jesus Christ, we do not live to represent ourselves, our ideas, our agendas. Our life is His, and our purpose is to represent Him, and His message in all we do, and in all we say. Then it struck me.

If I am to represent Him well, I must know the One I am representing.

If I do not know Him well, I will misrepresent Him.

A number of years ago I made it my mission to know God. This has been my desire, and it has become an amazing adventure. What I have come to love in the discovery of God, His character, and His attributes, is that He is so vast. I can spend all my days on this wondrous journey, to experientially know Him, to encounter Him afresh through His word, in ways I didn’t know Him the day before.

As I assess the interweaving of relationships this past week, have those around me seen Him, when they encountered me? Do I know Him, that I may represent Him well?

I am so grateful that His grace covers where I have failed to represent Him for who He truly is. At the same time, I am forever blessed that He loves to reveal His glory, extending to me a touch of His fullness, that I may know Him more.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ,

God making his appeal through us.

2 Corinthians 5:20a