The Power of Inspiration

For a few years now my husband has suggested on several occasions that I should start writing blogs. They say one of the keys to blog writing is to be consistent. I guess one could say I have been consistent, as I have written a blog roughly every four months, upon the inspiration of my husband’s encouragement. Yet I am not sure that is the consistency blog experts are referring to.

Blogging sounds like a wonderful idea, one I might actually enjoy, but I cannot even get my homework done from a course I started one year ago. How will I ever fit blog writing into my days?

It is vacation season for me right now and I awoke this morning with an open slate for the day. I should be walking the dog, but instead, I headed out to Starbucks, where some find their inspiration. So let’s see what comes from my people watching and my Trenta-sized, iced green tea.

This last month was a steep learning curve for me. As believers in Christ, we sing worship songs, pray prayers, inviting God to take us deeper, to cause our faith to grow. Yet for that to happen we will be placed in situations that are beyond our control or natural abilities so that the supernatural work of Christ can shine through.

Really we should be living like that every day. As a believer in Jesus Christ, we should be living in realms beyond what we can do. This should be our normal, as we journey from glory to glory.

My husband was able to join me on our ministry trip to Zambia this past month, where my faith was expanded. I had the opportunity to preach the Word of God nine times in different churches and Bible school settings within 10 days. At times I was very stretched, not sure I had anything to bring.

On top of speaking, our days as a team were full, and I still had message prep to fit into any remaining moments within the day. I could have repeated messages, as the audiences were different. This would have enabled me to feel more prepared and more in control, yet I felt each group needed a specific word. So I chose to trust that He would release the living waters that Jesus says will flow from within us.

Most of my adult life, the past 30 years, has been spent in part-time ministry of some sort. Many times I have wanted to quit, and get what I have called ‘a real job.’ Part of what the Lord has used to keep inspiring me to continue in ministry has been my husband Stephen.

While in Zambia I was talking with a fellow pastor and he mentioned how strong my husband must be to sit and listen to his wife preach. Truth be told, Stephen has been my greatest cheerleader, standing beside me all the way, and the one to help inspire me to keep going in ministry. At one point when I planned to begin an interior design career, it was Stephen who came home from work one day and told me he had been praying, and he was convinced I was to stay in ministry, even if it meant no income. So I followed his lead.

I have been so grateful for this partner in life that the Lord has given me. He has helped to inspire me and encourage me along the way when times have been tough. He has been there to give wisdom and leadership when my view has been clouded.

Sometimes in life, we need the encouragement of another, we need the inspiring words of someone else who sees more than we see. We need the challenge from brothers and sisters to step into realms beyond our natural means. Although our ultimate trust should find its resting place in the One who never fails us, the Lord does use His children to spur one another on.

Hebrews 10:24 tells us to consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.

Today you have the opportunity to be an inspiration to another, encouraging them along in their journey of faith. You also have the opportunity to allow another to inspire you to boldly enter into new seasons, or step into places that have only been known as distant dreams.

As I sit here in Starbucks, almost finished my very large green tea, I am surrounded by people, each carrying something unique, something that can make our world a better place. Today let us consider how we can spur one another on, and also say a prayer of thanks for those who have inspired you along the way!
